Until this summer I guess I never really had a good idea of what being an adult was like. Adulthood was always a goal that would come later after college or even after marriage. But for the first time in my life, I got a taste of what it would actually be like. I had to take care of myself without feeling like I was in the sheltered bubble of high school or university life. And now as the summer seems to be coming to an end, I am reluctant to let go of my new found freedom.

For the past ten weeks, I have been working at an aerospace consulting company in Los Angeles called Booz Allen Hamilton. I had an amazing opportunity to work on a team of 5 software engineers to develop a data visualization tool for Docker and Kubernetes. After long days of work, I was joyed to come back to an apartment of my own and practice fine cooking skills with some of the best roommates in the world. And yes there were tons of adult-y chores like buying groceries, paying rent, or cleaning the apartment. As Matt likes to say, we used to cheer and chest bump each other when the onions were on sale or if the tomatoes looked perfect.

But much more significant to my feeling of adulthood was the interactions with coworkers. For the first time, I wasn’t in the midst of university students still struggling to get past the latest round of midterms or finals; rather, there was a universal emphasis on family and long term career. My bosses became close friends and mentors and it was clear that they were just like me not too long ago. They shared impactful advice about what to prioritize in my future and how to maximize my efforts.

I am back home for the rest of the summer, and already I feel excited to get back into industry and start making a name for myself in corporate life. However, I know I should enjoy every second of my college days because soon enough UCLA will only be a memory. My freshman year went by at light speed, filled with learning and exploration, and I am thrilled to get back to the daily grind and see my friends regularly. With such high energy and excitement, university life definitely suits me well.

But collegiate lifestyle also means I am confronted with a return to adolescence. Being successful at college definitely requires a high degree of maturity, yet way too many people take every opportunity to get blackout drunk or skip class. In that environment, the temptations to stay in bed for a little longer and procrastinate homework hit hard for me as well. A huge part of me wants to skip past the drama and excuses that seize my time every day. That sort of growth takes a lot of time and I am working on it.

I still have a lot of growing up to do, but I’m proud of the progress I have made this summer. I have learned lessons that will shape the way I lead the rest of my college life and beyond. The future excites me and I am continually looking forward to the next stage in my life. Here’s to tomorrow…